Music at Woodcroft Primary School aims to instil a love and acceptance of music, considering different historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. We hope to inspire future musicians through offering a broad and balanced approach to music, providing a range of creative opportunities in listening, singing, playing, composing, evaluating and performing. This in turn will enable our children to explore and widen their interests within music preparing them for future education. As children move through the school, they will deepen their musical key skills and become an all-round musical performer. We actively encourage children to broaden their musical interests by performing in the local community through carol singing, concerts and a nativity/end of year musical productions.
Woodcroft Music is taught by the class teacher in EYFS and Key Stage 1. The school have subscribed to the Hampshire Music Service who provide a professional music teacher to teach Key Stage 2 pupils. All children receive a music lesson once a week. Pupils are taught to sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate. This is embedded in the classroom activities as well as the weekly singing assemblies, the learning of instruments and various concerts and performances.
As part of the planning process, teachers refer to and adapt where necessary, the units of work provided by the Hampshire Music Service. These are linked where possible, to the current topics within the wider curriculum. The units of work provide:
- A cycle of lessons which carefully plan for progression and depth with key skills
- Opportunities for children to be exposed to a range of instruments, voice and composition across the academic year
- A range of questions to challenge and deepen children’s learning
- A range of reading opportunities across the series of lessons linked to music e.g. lyrics, to promote a love for reading
- Opportunities for children to listen to music
- Develop children’s musical attitudes to enjoy and appreciate music of different genres
- Opportunities for children to participate in concerts and performances
- Knowledge-based facts about musical composers
Our Music Curriculum at Woodcroft Primary School is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- A reflection on standards achieved against planned outcomes
- Collation of pictures and videos to evidence progression of skills
- Pupil discussions about their learning
- An evaluation of learning through the assessment tracker for the key skills
- Pupils are able to apply key skills in a range of instruments, compositions and voice
- Pupils are able to present their musicianship attitude when participating in a range of musical activities
- Pupils are able to enjoy music, in as many ways as they choose- either as a listener, creator or performer.