Design and Technology at Woodcroft Primary School is inspiring and practical where children design and/or make innovative, functional and appealing products that are fit for purpose and planned for a range of different contexts. It is our intent that design technology will be taught in all year groups at least once a term to provide pupils with a range of projects and experiences. Design Technology will be taught in a way to ensure progression of skills and follows a plan to ensure coverage of skills. Children will learn practical skills and techniques linked to food technology, textiles, structures, electronics and mechanisms. Design Technology encourages children to become independent, creative problem solvers and thinkers as individuals and part of a team.
The implementation and teaching of Design Technology at Woodcroft Primary school is based on the National Curriculum and follows the KAPOW Primary DT progression of skills, ensuring a well-structured approach to this creative subject.
Each term children are taught design technology. Areas covered include; mechanisms, cooking & nutrition, structures, textiles, electricals and natural world. More details of this can be found in our long term plan.
As part of the planning process, teachers need to plan the following:
- A cycle of lessons which carefully plans for progression and depth;
- A range of questions to challenge and develop children’s thinking and creative decisions;
- A variety of technical vocabulary linked to the skill and journey being taught;
- Opportunities for children to explore and research existing products;
- Developing an understanding of D&T by using SSS (something for, somebody for, some purpose);
- Opportunities to create a design and experiment before being asked to be creative a final piece;
- A range of resources to support learning
Our Design Technology curriculum at Woodcroft Primary School is high quality, carefully created and is planned to demonstrate progression. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- A reflection on standards achieved against planned outcomes
- Pupil discussions about their learning
- Self and peer evaluations of learning and final pieces
- Pupils are able to apply and use their design technology skills
- Pupils are able to talk about their work to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding
Children in Foundation Stage are assessed within the Expressive Arts and Design area. Children’s attainment will be summarised and described in their EYFS profile at the end of the reception year.