At Woodcroft Primary we are developing each child’s understanding of what it means to be British and what it is like to live in a diverse society that is modern Britain. We promote the British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect through a number of different ways. We have attempted to capture them in the lists below:
- School Council elections
- Running of the School Council
- P4C
- Pupil voice
- Creation of class charters
- Behaviour policy
- Pupil conferencing
Rule of Law
- School rules and sanctions
- School Council affect change
- Class charters on display
- PSHE taught
- Visits from local Police and Fire service
- E-safety
Individual liberty
- Saying no to bullying
- Children are always listened to
- Remembrance week
- Taking responsibility for our own behaviour
- Not using stereotypes
- Children understanding rights and responsibilities
- Children have choice of clubs during and after school
- E-Safety
- Curriculum that enables children to learn about religious and cultural difference
- P4C
- Not using stereotypes
- Equality
Mutual Respect
- Assemblies that raise awareness of other cultures
- Curriculum that enables children to learn about religious and cultural difference
- School values and vision that are understood by staff and pupils
- Support of charities and educating children on how their fundraising affects the lives of those less fortunate
- Anti-bullying awareness
- P4C
- ELSA support
- Performances