Support for Children with SEN and Disability
Woodcroft Primary School is committed to ensuring that every pupil, including those with SEND, become life-long learners who are equipped with the skills they need for successful futures. We believe all children are unique and have individual needs, strengths and talents which should be met though a challenging, enjoyable and enriched curriculum: which provides opportunities for all children to work at their own level and pace. We recognise that many children may require additional support or additional challenge at some point within their learning journey.
We believe that all children should be equally valued in school. We strive to remove any barriers to learning which could hinder or exclude individual pupils with SEND. We believe all children should have the opportunity to flourish and feel safe. We support the development of the whole child, whist valuing and celebrating the many and varied abilities displayed by all children.
The SENCO, who is responsible for SEND at Woodcroft Primary School is Mrs Sherwell who can be contacted via the school office.
Please click on the link below for our SEN Information Report September 2023:
SEND Information Report September 2023
Please click on the link below for the HCC Local Offer webpage:
Please click on the link below for the Help for Parents at SENDIASS link: