Governors of  Woodcroft Primary School

Welcome to the Governor section of the school website. Here is a little of who we are and what we do.

Who are we?

A Governing Body is a group of volunteers whose job is to oversee the management of the school. Our Governing Body is a mixture of different skills and abilities. We consist of: The Headteacher, 2 parents, 1 staff member, 1 Local Authority representative and 4 other volunteers. Everybody on the Governing Body is there to help the school achieve the best results for its pupils.

What is our role?

We have 3 core functions as a Governing Body:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its’s money well spent

During these trying times, it is important that we do not forget the wellbeing of our staff and pupils. The performance of the staff during the COVID outbreak has been a testament to their commitment to the care and education of the pupils.

To ensure the school fulfills their role, as a Governing Body, we oversee a number of areas. Each Governor is given specific areas of responsibility for monitoring and reporting. Where possible we have moved our monitoring and meetings online via video conferencing, ensuring that we still cover all areas. We also meet as a Governing Body at least every half term: these meetings generally last no longer than 2 hours.

During the academic years of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 there had been no SATS and more than half of the pupils had moved to remote learning. In spite of this, we still ensured that all pupils had access to education at the appropriate level.

As a Governing Body it is imperative to focus on the needs of the school. We continue to support the teaching staff to address the priorities oft he School Improvement Plan throughout regular monitoring and feedback at Governing Body meetings.  The Governors’ task is to consistently ensure that the school achieves the highest possible standards and performance.

The school’s Senior Leadership are responsible for the day to day running of the school and they work hard to implement the Strategic Plans. It is the responsibility of the Governors to challenge and support the leadership in its provision of the best all round education for all the children.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor or wish to contact me, please ring the school office and leave your contact details. I will reply to you as soon as I can.

Mr Phill Hawkins

(Chair of Governors)


Meet the Governors

Phillip Hawkins                              Chair of Governors &  Local Authority Governor

Truyen Dang                                    Vice-Chair or Governors & Co-Opted Governor

Barry Fanning                                  Headteacher

Kirsty Hawkins                                Staff Governor

Henry Bowles                                   Co-Opted Governor & Safeguarding Governor

Vacancy                                           Co-Opted Governor

Stacey Merrell                                  Co-Opted Governor

Vacancy                                           Parent Governor

Daniel Thomas                                 Parent Governor

If you would like to apply to become a school Governor, please complete the application below and return it to:

School Governor Application Form

For the full list of Governor Pecuniary Interests and the last academic years’ FGB attendance, please see the link below:

Governor Information 2022 2023

For the full list of Governor Roles and Responsibilities please see the link below:

Roles And Responsibilities 2022 2023

For this current academic year, please contact the school office for an up to date attendance register.

If you would like to see a copy of the minutes and documentation from any Governors meeting, please contact the school office who can arrange this for you.

To contact a member of the Full Governorning Body please email