Research has shown that regular attendance and good punctuality are crucial factors in pupils achieving their full potential. We know there is a clear link between good attendance and the outcomes children achieve at the end of their time in school i.e. children whose attendance is higher are more likely to achieve 5 good GCSE results.
Woodcroft is committed to encouraging our children to strive for excellence. We are always pleased to work with parents and carers in resolving any difficulties but are also committed to improving attendance levels at Woodcroft. During Celebration Assembly every Friday, we share attendance information. We also share this information on the weekly newsletter.
The target attendance figure for all pupils here at Woodcroft is a minimum of 96% attendance. This equates to approx. 7 days off school each year.
Understanding types of absence:
Every half-day absence from school is recorded as either authorised or un-authorised.
Authorised absences are for reasons like:
- illness
- medical/dental appointments
- emergencies or other unavoidable causes
Unauthorised are for reasons like:
- absences which have not been explained
- children who are late arriving at school
- shopping
- looking after other children or family members
- headlice
- sickness of a parent or other family member
- birthdays
- day trips
- holidays in term time which have not been authorised by the Headteacher
- problems with transport
Holidays during school term time
Since September 2013, Amended Regulations make it clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Leave for a family holiday does not constitute exceptional circumstances. Parents and carers are required to complete a Leave of Absence form which will be considered by the Headteacher. These can be collected from the school office or from the following link:
If a child has more than 10 unauthorised sessions (5 days) the school is obliged to follow Hampshire County Council and Legal guidelines. This is likely to include issuing a fixed penalty notice. The following link has more information regarding fixed penalty notices:
Informing the school that your child is ill.
If your child is unwell and not able to attend school, you must phone the school office as soon as possible. The office is manned from 8:00am, and there is an answer machine that is checked throughout the day. Please let a member of staff know why your child is not attending school. Please do not Dojo your child’s teacher. If we have not heard from you by 9:00am, our Home School Link Worker will contact you by either phone or text message as why your child is not in school. If we do not have an explanation for an absence, your child will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence for these sessions. Please note, we request that you phone the school every morning that your child is absent.
If your child becomes unwell during the school day, a member of the school office will contact you. We therefore respectfully ask that you keep your contact details up to date with the office.
Breakfast club starts at 8:15am everyday. Otherwise children go straight to their classroom at 8:35am. Any child that arrives after 8:50am is late, and must enter the school via the school office so that they can be signed in by their parent/carer. As a school, we have a legal responsibility and obligation to fine parents if their child is consistently late in the mornings.
If you or your child are having difficulty getting to school on time, please make an appointment to see Mrs Pink, who can support you and your child. If absences and lateness continues, we will have no choice but to write to you with our concerns, which, if the concerns continue, can result in being referred to the Attendance Legal Panel.