
Here at Woodcroft Primary School we follow the guidelines set out in “Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 202)”:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring children grow up with safe and effective care
  • Take action to make sure children have the best outcomes

We have five Designated Safeguard Leads (DSL): Mr Fanning, Mrs Sherwell, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Pink and Mrs Hawkins. However, we recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and at all times our staff act in the best interests of the child.


The Prevent Duty

We believe it is our duty to ensure that children are tolerant and respectful so that they can become a positive member of society. We also see it as our duty to inform children of the risks presented to them in today’s society, especially in the area of radicalisation and extremism. Above all we want to open the debate and think about what it means to be British in a multi-cultural society.