Welcome to Gorilla Class!
Welcome Back!
We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a busy half term!
Our topic this half term is ‘Natural Disasters’
In English, this half term we will be studying two thought provoking books which identify natural disasters which relate to real life experiences. Children will be encouraged to study each text and give personal opinions in order to identify their understanding and empathy within different scenarios.
In Maths we will be learning about the fractions, decimals and percentages. This will form a large part of our Year 6 maths subject knowledge and inform children of processes that can be used across a wide range of contexts.
What will be covering in this topic?
Science – controlling electrical circuits
French – In my French house
Computing – Programming A – variables in games
Geography – Are Volcanoes more dangerous than Earthquakes?
Art – Stephanie Peters –Drawing, Painting and Collage (mixed media)
Music – Amazing machines- pitch, duration, timbre
RE – Ritual – Wudu & Eid-ul-Fitr
DT – Textiles – Waistcoats
Children will be bringing home weekly homework alongside their ‘choices’ homework. Weekly homework will have a SATs focus and we encourage children to do as much as possible in preparation for the papers themselves, but more importantly begin the routines which will help them succeed at secondary school.
The value that we are concentrating on this half term is Focus. Who will be our champion? We need to continue to demonstrate our other values: Respect, Focus, Boundaries, Resilience and Independence. We are celebrating our in-class achievements using Class Dojo. As a class, we need to work together to achieve our class stars. Finally, please share with us any ‘Outside School Achievements’ as we would love to celebrate these in school!
This term, Year 6 have PE on Tuesdays. PE kits need to be in school on this day but it is recommended that it stays in school all week and goes home on Fridays to be washed. Correct kit consists of a white t-shirt, black or dark shorts / leggings / jogging bottoms and trainers or plimsolls. Longer hair needs to be tied up and earrings removed or covered.
We are also Swimming on Fridays. Children will need their own costume and towel. Please contact the school if you need help with any of these items.
Many thanks,
Mr Ducellier and Mrs Sue