Panda Class- Spring One
We hope that you enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing Christmas and are ready for the upcoming half term and we wish you a happy and healthy 2025!
Values: The value that we are concentrating on this half term is Focus. Who will be our champion? We need to continue to demonstrate our other values: Respect, Self-regulation, Boundaries, Resilience and Independence. We are celebrating our in-class achievements using Class Dojo. As a class, we need to work together to achieve our class stars. Remember to share with us any ‘Outside School Achievements’ as we love to hear about them and we will celebrate these in school!
Geography: this half term our Geography learning focus is ‘Our World’. ‘Is every country equal?’ Is our key question, which we will answering at the end of the unit.
English & Reading: we will be reading ‘Gordo’ and using this text to meet a number of writing outcomes. We will also be exploring additional texts, such as: ‘Ask an astronaut’ – Tim Peake, The Astronaut’s handbook, and Hidden Figures
Maths: we will be consolidating our understanding the four operations whilst moving on to area, scaling and calculating decimal fractions.
Science: we will be continuing our longitudinal study- Do all children grow the same amount each year? Followed by exploring ‘Space and Gravity’.
RE: our key concept is Stewardship- Creation (Christianity & Islam)
PE: we will be developing our ability to judge performance whilst improving our static balance and co-ordination.
Art: we will be studying the artist Peter Thorpe and focusing on our drawing, painting and sculpting.
Computing: Programming A – Selection in physical computing (using Teach Computing programme)
Music: this half term our dimension focus is texture & timbre
French: space exploration
PSHE: Focus (our value for this half term).
Polite Reminders
In order to continue supporting your child’s reading- please sit and read with them as frequently as possible. Your child will bring home a sharing book and either a Little Wandle or book-banded book. A menu of homework choices (that are cross curricular) has been given out in pupils’ homework books- a minimum of 3 pieces need to be handed in at the end of this half term please.