Lizards Class
Welcome Back!
We hope that you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas break and wish you all the very best for a happy and healthy 2025! The children are now settling back into their first half of spring term. Our topic is ‘Fractured Fairytales’ please read on to find out what we will be covering over the next few weeks.
English: We will be recapping the story of The Three Little pigs before reading ‘The true story of the 3 little pigs’ – Jon Scieszka.
Reading: We will be reading and ‘Little Red and the very hungry lion’ and ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?’ followed by learning how to select and retrieve key information in order to respond to text-related questions.
Science: Everyday Materials
Geography: We will be studying our capital city ‘London’ and exploring the four countries within the UK. Our key question is ‘What is special about The United Kingdom?’
RE: Authority- Key Events in Jesus’ Life
PE: PE days will be Mondays and Wednesday this half term. We will be learning about core balances and dance.
Art: We will be discovering the artist Jennie Maizels and sharing our thoughts on her artwork as well as refining our drawing and painting skills.
Computing: Robot algorithms
DT: Making structures- Baby Bear’s chair
Music: Timbre and texture
PSHE: Focus (our value for this half term).
Polite Reminders
In order to continue supporting your child’s reading- please sit and read with them as frequently as possible. If you would like to further support your child, please see the maths number bonds and times tables. If you require another copy please ask. Many thanks.