Happy New Year to you all!
A great Autumn term to Owls class.
This half term our geography learning is focussing on hot and cold places . Our key statement that we will be responding to at the end of the unit, is ‘Everywhere in the world is hot’ We will be able to identify the hot and cold areas of the world and begin to understand the relationship between their position and the climate.
Have a look at our knowledge organiser and our curriculum overview for this half term.
Values: The value that we are concentrating on this half term is Focus. Who will be our champion? We need to continue to demonstrate our other values: Boundaries, Resilience, Respect, Self-regulation and Independence. We are celebrating our in-class achievements using Class Dojo. As a class, we need to work together to achieve our class stars. Remember to share with us any ‘Outside School Achievements’ as we love to hear about them and we will celebrate these in school!
A menu of homework choices (that are cross curricular) have been given out in pupils’ homework books- a minimum of 3 pieces need to be handed in at the end of this half term. Also, please try to ensure that an adult at home reads for a few minutes each day with your child as this will hugely improve the quality of their learning in all subject areas. Your child will bring home a sharing book and a Little Wandle book that is appropriately matched to your child’s reading ability.
PE: This half term, Year 1 have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. PE kits needs to be in school on these day but it is recommended that it stays in school all week. Correct kit consists of a white t-shirt, black or dark shorts / leggings / jogging bottoms and trainers or plimsolls. Longer hair needs to be tied up and earrings removed or covered.
We look forward to continuing our Year 1 journey with you and your child.
Mrs Hawkins and Mrs Tabbner