This policy will be used during 2024-2025 for allocating places in the main admission round for entry to Year R in September 2025.  The published admission number (PAN) for Woodcroft Primary School for 2024-2025 is 30.

Hampshire County Council is the admission authority for Woodcroft Primary School. The admission arrangements are determined by the County Council, after statutory consultations.  Applications are open from 1st November 2004- 15th January 2005.

The County Council will consider first all those applications received by the published deadline of midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. Notifications to parents offering a primary or infant school place will be sent by the County Council on 16 April 2025. Applications made after midnight on 15 January 2025 will be considered after all on-time applications have been fully processed unless exceptional circumstances merit consideration alongside on-time applications.
For the normal admission round, all on time preferences will be considered simultaneously and ranked in accordance with the admission criteria. If more than one school can offer a place, the parent’s highest stated available preference will be allocated.

A map of Woodcroft Primary School’s catchment area is available on the school’s details page of the Hampshire County Council website

If the school is oversubscribed from within any of the above categories, straight line distance will be used to prioritize applications; applicants living nearer the school have priority. Distances will be measured from the Ordnance Survey home address point to the school address point using Hampshire County Council’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Distances to multiple dwellings will give priority to the ground floor over the first floor and so on. On individual floors, distances will be measured to the stairs leading to the communal entrance. Where two or more applicants are equidistant, random allocation will be used to allocate the place. An explanation of the random allocation procedure is available on the County website.

When does my Child start school?
Pupils born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 (inclusive) are entitled to full-time schooling from September 2025. Exact dates will be announced. Parents can choose to defer their child’s admission until later in the school year (but not beyond the start of the term after they reach compulsory school age). Children can also attend part-time until they reach compulsory school age. Parents must discuss their child’s starting arrangements with the school once an offer has been secured.

This policy takes account of all Equalities legislation, together with all relevant regulations and the School Admissions Code (published by the DfE in 2021)

Please use the following page to register your child here